If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.
You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!
Each week we will post a reflection (or more) on our blog. It's easy! Just email you post with a picture or video attached to sd68@posterous.com.
Some Basic Rules of Use
We want these tools to be used every minute, but they need to be used respectfully and safely. One of our technology explorers drafted a contract for use for your secondary class that you might find helpful as a starting point to sharing best use at your school: iPad Project Contract.docx
Support in our Community
VIU educator Julia Hengstler has offered to co-teach with iPads or iPods. See some of the things she has been working on here. Email Shelley if you are interested.
We have been using Dropbox - a "cloud" storage space to share our files, especially when we have very large files like video files. I've used a screencasting tool to create a how-to video.
Dropbox on the Laptops
Dropbox on iPads/iPods
Digital Footprints
Why allow our students to be publish? Why allow open access?
We have a number of resources for using the laptops. Check out our technology page to start. You’ll find some of our favourites, including links for digital storytelling and blogging. Building a wiki to contain student work is another great idea.
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