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Page history last edited by sbeleznay 12 years, 1 month ago



No one person or leader has the answer; we need everybody’s creativity to find our way through this strange new world. 

Margaret Wheatley



Our Year in Pictures



Will focussed district-wide collaborative inquiry improve success for vulnerable learners?


Project Intention

  • Improve learning for vulnerable students by providing
    • a collaborative and inquiry approach to professional learning
    • a vehicle for cross-pollinating learning across the district
    •  resources to continue and to sustain ongoing work 


Project Success Learning Strands

Intention of Learning Strands 

  • to provide more focused resources for the school's Project Success Inquiry
  • to broaden the school-based participation





Early Learning


2011-12 School Questions:  Project Success Inquiries.doc


October Gathering


If we want different outcomes, we must think differently.  Here's to the crazy ones!  



Notes from our conversations:  Project Success 2011 October Gathering Notes.pdf


November Gathering


November Gathering Notes:  Putting our Foot in the Door (but not to sell anything). November Notes.pdf


What is our purpose for “incarcerating” the children of SD68?  What is necessary to learn for the democratic life that we want to nourish and expand is going to survive?  How do you leap over the present into the future? Listen to the whole clip from Deb Meier thinking about these questions.  It’s well worth 12 minutes of your time.



Why should we collaborate?  Because ideas that are obvious to us are amazing to others!


How can we effectively collaborate?  See our draft criteria.   How do we collaborate criteria.doc.  See our guidelines for effective professional conversations:  Guidelines for Effective Professional Conversations.doc


How do we build trust?  See our list for starting points.  Building Trust.doc


November Check in.  Where are you going?  What are  you doing?  Where to next?  View our notes on Google Documents.  Please feel free to add, revise, update!  





January Gathering


January Gathering NotesProject Success Gathering January Notes.pdf


The Pixar Method for working and learning together


Redefining expertise for a new world:  13 Habits of Experts:   The 13 habits of experts.doc


Add your "new-school" meeting topics for our February 9th "Digging Deeper" meetings: 



April Gathering


Our Focus:

How could you use your remaining Project Success time to impact learners this year or to set the stage for next year?

How can you assess the work this year and share what you learned to maximize our collective progress next year?


April 12th Meeting Notes April Gathering.pdf

Working Together with colleagues is like.... Our metaphors. Working Together with Colleagues is like.docx  

Checklist for Growing our Teams Checklist for Building Teams.docx

SD68 Talks Framework SD68 Talks.doc


For the Introverts (and the Extroverts who teach and work with Introverts)


Final Gathering:  SD68 Talks.  June 21st.  DRC.


Watch for Talks soon!  See our report on an amazing year.


SD68 Talks Framework SD68 Talks.doc


To view inquiry projects, notes and resources from last year, go to Success2010.  

Some highlights from our SD68 Talks (note: we'll get tripods for this year's talks!)

Our June 2011 Program:  SD68 Talks 2011.pdf




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