Blogging for Educators
Blog Fact: 2/3 of bloggers are male.
Classroom Blogs
Ideas and Examples
Blogging with Students
Bill Ferriter's Teacher Tips for Blogging Projects
Sue Waters' Tips on Blogging with Students
Silvia Tolisano's Blogging Unit for Download
CTAP Blogging in the Classroom
Create a Class Blog: .
Blogging is Elementary : Guide to setting up a blogging project with elementary students.
Parent Permission and Student Guidelines
Guidelines for SD68: guidelines for teacher using web for students.doc
Example letter to parents (secondary): Dear Parents.docx
Letter to parents of older students: .
Blogging Ethics: blog ethics.docx
Blogging Guidelines Example
Parent permission example
Resources for Cyber-Awareness
Positive Digital Footprint : Bill Ferriter's article reminds us of the importance of having a digital footprint.
Are we a part of the problem? George Couros suggests that we focus on teaching students the positive use of social media.
Staying Safe Online : This is a (digital) binder of resources for educators, parents and students.
Internet Safety with Garfield
Cybersafe with Steve Dotto
Commenting Criteria:
English 10 student co-created criteria: An Excellent Blogpost.docx
Blogging Scope and Sequence
Blog Entry Scoring Checklist: blogentryscoringchecklist.pdf
Multiple Unique Email Addresses for Students
Blog Fact: 77% of Internet users read blogs.
Example Blogs
Mrs. Cassidy's Classroom Blog : grade one
Huzzah! grade six
Keenley's Angels and Special K : English 10 Literature Circles project blogs
Linda's Viewpoint and Student blogs: English 12
Tara the Teacher : Secondary English
SCC English : Secondary English Department Blog
Extreme Biology : Teacher and her high school science students
Woodchurch Science : Practical blog that shares links, assignments and information.
The Blah, blah, blah blog : a Librarians Network blog
The Unquiet Library : high school library blog
The TL Weekly Special Report : Teacher-Librarian Mentorship/PD
The HHS Library Guild : high school library blog - shares events and book reviews
Cool Cat Rea ds and Paw Reads : Student Book Reviews
Forest Green School Blog : George Couros, elementary principal of Stony Plains, Alberta. He also blogs at Principal of Change .
Learning the Now : Gino Bondi, secondary principal of John Oliver Secondary School
Culture of Yes : Chris Kennedy, superintendent of West Vancouver School District
Connected Principals - a group blog
Why blog as an administrator?
School Counsellor Blog : Professional ideas
Lassiter School Counselling Blog : Information for students
How to Create Your Own Wordpress Blog
From Zero to Hero : How to get started (and how to get fancy)
How to videos : The blogger share with "parents and carers" why blog, is it safe and how to videos.
Directions for Posting Blog Entries
Blog Fact: One in five bloggers update their blogs daily.
Comments (1)
Mary Kretlow said
at 5:04 pm on Apr 26, 2010
The video about multiple email adressess was just what I was looking for. Eventually we will have email for all our students but until then I was looking for something like this. Great!!
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