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Page history last edited by sbeleznay 13 years, 7 months ago

Using Inquiry in Classrooms


Inquiry starts with questions.  See our "Questions Worth Seeking Answers To."


See sample inquiry questions from Pulling Together by Leyton Schnellert et. al.   Pulling-Together.doc  


Inquiry Made Easy (K-7):  inquiry made easy.doc


Comments (1)

kerry Armstrong said

at 1:01 pm on Feb 21, 2010


Everything I learned about asking big and important instructional inquiry questions I learned from this article that Marty Cross gave me!

The other place I learned about the process of teachers designing inquiry was the videos on Problem Based Learning on Edutopia.org

Not sure if that helps.

Here is my question for my SS7 class.

What are the factors that lead to the rise and fall of civilizations and what do I need to know about past civilizations for my future?

I would love some suggestions about how to make that question create more relevance for Gr7 and ancient civilizations.


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