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Page history last edited by sbeleznay 13 years, 6 months ago

Universal Design for Learning


What is UDL?



In today's schools, the mix of students is more diverse than ever. Educators are challenged to teach all kinds of learners to high standards, yet a single classroom may include students who struggle to learn for any number of reasons, such as the following:

  • Learning disabilities such as dyslexia
  • English language barriers
  • Emotional or behavioral problems
  • Lack of interest or engagement
  • Sensory and physical disabilities

Teachers want their students to succeed, but a one-size-fits-all approach to education simply does not work. Universal Design for Learning is a philosophy that responds to individual differences.  For more information on UDL log on to the CAST Universal Design for Learning website at: http://www.cast.org/research/udl/index.html


A number of teachers in our district are working together to think hard about UDL using an inquiry approach to thinking hard about teaching to diversity in their classrooms.  Stayed tuned to find out more as these teachers meet monthly at the "UDL Cafe". 


Fairview Community School has a grant to implement UDL in their school.  Follow their progress at their website: http://schools.sd68.bc.ca/fair/School_Support/School_Support.htm


More Excellent Resources


National Center on Universal Design for Learninghttp://www.udlcenter.org/  

Teaching Every Students: http://teachingeverystudent.blogspot.com/2007/06/free-technology-toolkit-for-udl-in-all.html

Free Technology Toolkit for UDL: http://udltechtoolkit.wikispaces.com/ 

UDL 4 All: http://udl4all.pbworks.com/w/page/7372174/CONTENTS

Supporting Every Learner:  http://ctg10.pbworks.com 

Gerry Davis' "Teaching to Diversity" resources collection:  http://msdavisclass.pbworks.com/Teaching-To-Diversity

Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learnersmeeting the needs of diverse learners.pdf

UDL Alternate Assessment Tool:  http://naac.cast.org/

SD68 Student Support Services UDL Resources:  http://www.sd68.bc.ca/Portal_SSSparents/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=6&tabid=12


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