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Page history last edited by sbeleznay 12 years, 4 months ago

Instructional Strategies



What are the strategies that make the most difference for students?  First and foremost, we think, we need to begin with our learning intention or goal which is directly connected to the curriculum we are teaching.  


On our Imagine Day, a group of educators got together and created their "Best Bang for the Buck" strategies list.  Check it out here:  Most Bang.doc . What's your favourite strategy?  Email sbeleznay@sd68.bc.ca so we can add it. 


Meaningful Tasks

Structured Talk

Making Connections



Determining Importance




Writing Strategies

Literature Circles

Many of us attended the Adrienne Gear Workshops and have read her books. We'll try to follow up on the ideas and strategies.  Go to our new Reading Power page. 

Also check out our Assessment page and the new Assessment Toolkit for more strategies. 



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