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Meaningful Tasks

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 11 months ago



At our first Supper Evening of 2008-09 at Ladysmith Secondary, we explored the topic of meaningful tasks.  We asked first - what makes a task meaningful and developed some criteria together.  Criteria for a Meaningful Task.doc  Our document brought to mind "Characteristics of an Effective Task" developed by Sharon Jeroski and included here.  Characteristics of Effective Tasks.doc


We then considered Neil Postman's thought experiment:  He asks us to suppose that all the exams and IRPS and curriculum binders suddenly disappeared from the world.  Then, he says, "Suppose that you decided to have the entire 'curriculum' consist of questions.  These questions would have to be worth seeking answers to not only from your point of view but, more importantly, from the point of view of students.  In order to get still closer to reality, add the requirement that the questions must help the students to develop and internalize concepts that will help them to survive in the rapidly changing world of the present and the future."  He also developed a list of questions to "test" our questions.  Test questions.doc


See our list of "Questions Worth Seeking Answers To."  Please add to them!


Given that we DO have IRPs, curriculum binders and exams, still, we've created a template (with a little help from Connor McKierahan) to move from what's ESSENTIAL in our curricula to an important and MEANINGFUL question that forms both our task and our assessment. 






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