

Page history last edited by sbeleznay 14 years, 1 month ago



We will try to post new teacher questions, possible answers and strategies each month, as well as an article to read and a new website to visit.  Come back often to see what's new.   Our responses will be framed in the following Fundamental Assessment Beliefs, seven principles co-constructed by SD#68 teachers working and thinking together. 


Assessment Webcast Series


Thank you to all of you who joined us for the Assessment for Learning Webcast Series.  If you missed them, they'll be archived soon with the other webcasts (well worth reviewing) at http://www.bcelc.ca/pages/AFLwebcasts.html.  Another excellent webcast is by Ruth Sutton: http://bcelc.insinc.com/interactiveinnovations/2008/ruth_sutton.php


Network of Performance Based Schools


See NPBS website for outstanding information about assessment and information about the network.  Also check out our new Mid-Island Region NPBS wiki to see what's happening in your neighbourhood:  http://midisland.pbworks.com.


Music and Life - Alan Watts


Watch this 2 minute video and think about how we can think about how we can move assessment away from carrots and sticks and toward something more musical.




Fundamental Assessment Beliefs


We believe our assessment must


  • Involve children in process – voice and choice -- with criteria they develop, understand and use.
  • Drive instruction: used to improve instruction and FOR student learning
  • Empower students:  “Glance at the weaknesses and stare at the strengths.” (See Mel Levine's article and this video by Marcus Buckingham on focusing on strengths – thanks Kerry!) 
  • Be authentic: Engaging and worthy high-level, open-ended, performance-based tasks that allow students to apply what they have learned.  
  • Be ongoing and varied.
  • Be purposeful (must match learning goals). 
  • Be meaningful to students (descriptive feedback, clear criteria, build out of the work they are doing daily)


District Resources


We have some wonderful resources available in our district.  Email sbeleznay@sd68.bc.ca for information on the following:

Dylan Wiliam Video (four 45 minute lectures)

Webcast Archives:  Our district can access the wonderful webcasts on assessment developed with BCELC and the Ministry of Education.

Assessment Mini-Series:  We have begun to create "mini-webcasts" from the archives.  There are THREE available and include a materials and/or a short powerpoint to set the context.  The mini-webcast is designed to be completed in 20 minutes.

  • Six Strategies of Assessment for Learning
  • Poetry Circles: using assessment to enhance discussion
  • Learning Intentions


DRC Resources:  We have a number of books available on assessment.  Go to http://media.sd68.bc.ca to order.  Below is a new resource that late intermediate and secondary teachers will find useful. 

Checking for understanding : formative assessment techniques for your classroom

Mapping the big picture : integrating curriculum & assessment, K-12

How to Grade for Learning:  linking grades to standards.  




How does formative assessment lead to autonomous learners?



Dylan Wiliam explains in under four minutes.  (Be patient.  He's coming to us from Scotland!)





"Minute by Minute, Day by Day" Assessment Strategies


Reflection strategies allow students to check in about what they know, don’t know and need to learn on an ongoing basis and allows teachers to quickly learn what they need to teach or reteach in a mini-lesson to the whole group, in a small group, or to an individual. 


 reflection slips.doc

From Self-assessment and Goals Setting by Kathleen Gregory, Caren Cameron and Ann Davies (available at the DRC)

 Instant Quizzes.doc 

Suggested by Dylan Wiliams, this process eliminates photocopying, marking and moving forward when students don't understand the concept.

Stoplights: Do you teach math or science.  Find out how you can use this quick way to assess whether students "get" a concept. 

Stoplights Strategy for Grade 6 Novel Study:  Learning Intentions Gr. 6 Novel Study.doc  Thanks Karen.

Rubric Templates for Assessment for Learning:  Thanks Paige!

Ten Ways to Give Feedback without Marks 

Student Self Assessment Rubric for Silent Reading by Sue Thurmeier

Oral Presentation Rubric: Socials Studies (by NDSS teachers)

Writing Rubric: English/Socials Studies (by NDSS teachers) 

Assessment Toolkit: check out our toolkit, co-designed by teachers on Vancouver Island - and help us grow it with your ideas. 



Articles to Read


Preventing 1000 Failures.  Douglas Reeves.

Reeves asks, "What would preventing 1,000 school failures mean to your school system?"  The world, we say.  But what are we doing?  Reeves suggests seven strategies.  What do you think?  Post your comments below.  

How Rewards Can Backfire.

The carrot, of carrot-and-stick fame, is not as effective as we've been led to believe. Rewards work under some circumstances but sometimes they backfire. Spectacularly.  Read the research on preschoolers.

Inside the Black Box.  Black and Wiliam

Working Inside the Black Box.  Black and Wiliam

Learning How to Learn:  Research on the conditions that foster successful classrooms (inquiry and AFL)



Websites for Further Learning:


Authentic Assessment Toolbox

Network of Performance Based Schools

Big Ideas: Exploring the Essential Questions of Education 

Kathleen Gregory 

Assessment for Learning: An Online Resource for Educators - from Ann Davies.




Comments (1)

kerry Armstrong said

at 1:10 pm on Feb 21, 2010

Achievement indicators in the IRP's help me to create the all important "I can..." statements for the stoplight/greenlight learning outcome document.

Bev Ferner suggested that trick! It saves so much time! Thanks Bev!


if you would like for me to explain further...

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